Hi there, freedom fighters. I was interviewed by Andrew Warner of Mixergy. It has been a goal of mine to go on this show since I started watching Andrew’s interviews back in 2011.
Watch the interview here or find the podcast in your favorite podcast app.
About the Interview
We cover 15 years of Stranger Studios and Paid Memberships Pro business. Learn how our early struggles with our WineLog business informed our decisions when we started Paid Memberships Pro. Learn why we chose to embrace open source and how we still manage to make over a million dollars in revenue per year.
Check out some of the other interviews there, including with many others in the WordPress space.
You can also read my post on my personal blog about 5 specific tips I wish I shared during the interview. It’s okay to read that one before or after the interview.
Mixergy is one of the OG membership sites. They have an interesting model where their old interviews go behind their paywall after some time. So be sure to watch my interview as soon as possible. I would appreciate it if you would “like” the episode on the Mixergy site, post a comment there, and share this interview generally across social networks.
Finally, Mixergy Premium is a great value, offering tons of lessons and content to help you in business. There are lessons on everything from strategic thinking to tactical exercises to grow your site traffic. I am not getting paid to promote Mixergy Premium. It’s not part of the interview process. I’ve just gotten a lot of value from watching proven founders walk the walk ahead of me.
Check out the Mixergy Premium membership here.
I had an annual membership for a few years in the past. I’m going to join again and even document some of the smart things Mixergy does when running their own membership site. We can all learn a lot from it.