If you are running Sitewide Sales on your membership site, you may want to hide your active sale from current customers. In this post, we share the reasons you want to do this and how you achieve it with Paid Memberships Pro.
Hiding a sale can help cut down on support requests from existing members who notice the sale and ask to have their fees reduced. In our experience, this doesn’t happen as often as you might expect, and we suggest just lowering those users’ fees if you can afford it. Still, why put yourself in that position if you can avoid it?
Luckily, you can hide a sale from current or existing members with the Sitewide Sales: Paid Memberships Pro module.
When setting up a banner to advertise your sale, there’s an option to “Hide Banner by Membership Level”. By selecting this option, only non-members will see your sale banners and a link to the sale landing page. You can hide the banner for all membership levels or for specific levels only. This is useful if you want to promote a sale on a higher tier paid level to free or lower tier members.
For first time installation of Sitewide Sales, check out this Sitewide Sales documentation on how it works, how to the install plugin, and how to set up your first sale.
As you work through the sale setup, the step related to setting up your sale banner is how you will set the specific membership levels in PMPro to “Hide Banner by Membership Level“.