Update: No longer streaming. The plugin works great. Kim is going to make it pretty, then I’ll post to WordPress and do a right up.
I’m streaming live right now while I work on a WordPress plugin. Follow me at ustream.tv/channel/stranger-studios.
I’ll be working on a plugin for a feature that we’ve done a million different ways: asking for a user’s email address in exchange for a link to a file download. A solid plugin for this will save us a lot of time. If it turns out well, I’ll put it in the WP plugin directory and link to it from here.
Here are the requirements/specs I have for this plugin:
- Should use a short code of the form [filedownload: /path/to/file.txt] to define where the form should go and what file.
- The form will submit to the current page, log the email entered, add a session flag.
- If an email is in $_POST, the post/page will show the download link instead of the email form.
- Files will be hidden behind a script to obscure the path to the file. The script will check for the session flag before returning the file.
- Should use a template to make it easy to change the HTML/CSS for the form.
- Should be easy to adjust the addEmail code to work with Constant Contact/etc.
That’s it. Please join me. Post questions to the chat. Again, if this code comes out clean, I hope to share it.